Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Cat and The Dog

Hey Cat Van Gough you need to leave.  This is my territory and  one enters here said Tammy the black dog with the big brown sparkly eyes
.  He looked at Van Gough sitting on the ledge of his fence.  Van Gough stared back at Tammy the dog with a mimicking look that said "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN,,,,,, LOSER"  This irritated Tammy.  Tammy mind was racing,"THIS IS NOT HIS HOUSE NOR HIS FENCE  THEY BELONG TO MY FAMILY AND ME, AND BESIDES I DONT EVEN LIKE CATS AT ALL.  WHAT AM I GOING TO DO TO GET HIm OUT OF HERE.  HE IS MAKING ME SO MAD.......THIS IS MAKING ME FEEL REAL MAD ...I COULD BARK ALL DAY.  Van Gough continued to ignoreTammy the dog and stare him down.  " Van Gough said to Tammy, "I can stay here all day if I want to.  Its nothing you can do.  You cant reach me shorty no matter how high you can jump you cant touch me.

Van Gough ran this street.  He would go house to house pestering all the pets.  It was so fun for him to annoy all the dogs, ALL MY FURRY FRIENDS, Flipper, Lady, Check and Bella!  He didn;t have anything else to do.  But Tammy was his favorite pet to harrass. She became so irritated that it made cat Van Gough feel proud of his ability to make Tammy so mad.  Tammy was a little mutt from the pound who was too tiny to do anything he thought, who easily fell into cat van Gough's claws. not like the big dogs on the block.

Tammy was not mad at the cat she only wanted to play with the cat, but didn't know how to go about it. The only way she could get the cat's attention was to bark at her and act like a fool.  My owners always left me in the backyard as they went off on their daily doings.  I am so lonely.  I glad the cat visits me, but he makes me barking mad.

One day Van Gough was starkled by the dog.  One fatal winter day Van Gough made the biggest mistake in his life.  He fell off the fence that he lurked on to terrify Tammy.  In a quick second Tammy ran for Van Gough,  Tammy  was just coming outside and spotted Van Gough falling from the fence.   she ran like a Gazzelle and jumped up to catch Van Gough.  Van Gough was a little bit faster than Tammy and he was able to jump on top of tammy outdoor dog house.  I quess he didnt think that Tammy could catch him up there.  But that was Tammy play structure and she jumps on top of it also.  Tammy is a high jumper she can jump as high or higher than Van Gughn  Van Gough was flabergated He watched Tammy try to get at her.  Van Gough looked terrified.  What was he coming to do.  This little mute is about to eat me or lunch.
tammy is barking so franctically, I had to act fast.  I'll never tease her again if she lets me go.......  I am scared.  My legs our trembling.  I scream at  Tammyto please don't hurt me.  I only irrated you because I wanted to play with you.  I didn't know that you would accept me as your friend because we are so different but live about the same.  Can we just be friends.  I wont never bother you anymore I only wanted to be your friend.  Tammy thought about it and calmed down and walked around the backyard with Van Gough.  They became good friends.

 dog and st

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